Professional Management Training
Courses. Classes. Workshops.

Marketing Management Courses: Marketing Course | Marketing Workshop in Las Vegas USA  Sales Management Course (Top Sales Course!)
    Sales Best Management Practices

Training Methods: Action Learning Course and Workshop
Course Venue: USA West (Jan to Dec): Las Vegas. Los Angeles. San Diego. San Francisco. Seattle.
USA East (Jan to Dec): Chicago. Dallas. Houston. New York (NYC). Washington, DC. Miami.
Canada (May to Nov): Vancouver. Toronto. Montreal
Europe (May to Nov): Amsterdam. Barcelona. Dublin. Frankfurt. Geneva. London. Madrid. Milan. Paris. Rome. Vienna. Warsaw. Zurich.
Ask for on-demand and unlisted training venues.
Course Duration: 3 days (2-day seminar + 1-day project)
Course Times: 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Course Dates: Management Training Courses Calendar
Ask for on-demand and unlisted training dates..
Course Fees:   $4,997
Group Discounts:   10% for 2 delegates. 15% for 3 or more delegates. Government and non-profit delegates receive up to 20% discount for 4 or more delegates. Valid only for Las Vegas venue.
Course Delivery: This course is delivered in-person (in classroom) at the institute's venue. If you have a special customization request such as topics, hours, duration, location, or delivery methods, including blended-learning (hybrid in-person and online learning), or corporate groups vs. one-to-one executive coaching, please indicate that in the registration form.
Course Advantage: Client Testimonials. Training Excellence. CEO Club
Course Registration: Apply

Marketing Management Courses: Marketing Course | Marketing Workshop in Las Vegas USA Course Audience 

  • CMO & CSO sales management team, including senior account managers, business development managers, senior sales executives, sales managers, entrepreneurs and management consultants.

  • Note: This training course is designed for government and corporate professionals. We do not accept students seeking initial employment, postsecondary education or initial licensing programs

Marketing Management Courses: Marketing Course | Marketing Workshop in Las Vegas USA Course Objectives

  • Provide 360-degree view of the strategic sales, business development and account management functions to identify potential management blind spots and improvement areas

  • Align business strategy, marketing and sales management

  • Review the sales management framework, best practices, analysis and decision making models and tools needed to formulate and implement successful sales programs

  • Offer experiential analysis of the challenges of sales managers and their sales  teams in implementing the business development strategies

  • Share insights from the world's most successful sales managers

  • Analyze, and plan sales strategies using advanced sales management frameworks

  • Implement and monitor sales strategy execution using performance measurement systems

  • Create a practical framework for planning and controlling of sales communication programs

Marketing Management Courses: Marketing Course | Marketing Workshop in Las Vegas USA Training Focus

  • Develop the strategic sales management skills and competencies. The core competencies include sales knowledge, planning, control, problem-solving and communication

Management Accounting Course - Managerial Accounting Course in Las Vegas, USA Training Model

  • Experiential action learning

  • 25%-50% seminar and 50-75% experiential discussion and project work

  • The development and evaluation of management skills are based on KASAC training model

Management Accounting Course - Managerial Accounting Course in Las Vegas, USA Key Course Modules

  • Top sales management questions and challenges.

  • Overview of sales best practices

    • Demand creation vs. demand fulfillment

    • Solution selling vs. commodity selling

    • Value selling vs. product-services selling

  • Strategic customer profiling: What are the customer needs vs. wants? How customers behave?

  • Opening a strategic sales account: Initiating sales contact, pull vs. push, cold selling, networking, and referrals - What works? What does not work? When and how to contact VIP customers? How long is the average sales cycle? What is the optimal amount of customer-sales contacts? How to achieve higher success rate?

  • Relationship building: Selling yourself, your company, your products and services

  • Customer sales communications: Asking questions that sell. Providing answers that sell. Handling objections and sales barriers. Handling competitions.

  • Closing sales best practices: Right selling vs. overselling vs. underselling

  • Strategic sales management

    • Sales and account management lifecycle framework

    • How to plan, design, build, and operate strategic sales teams

    • Sales team structuring and organization

    • Forecasting and assigning realistic sales targets

    • Managing sales team motivation, performance and compensation

    • Sales management key performance indicators (KPIs)

  • Strategic sales mix audit (4 Ps)

    • What product and services? (positioning, branding, and competitive features)

    • What price? (pricing objectives, and elasticity)

    • What place? (locations, distribution, and channels)

    • What promotion? (MarCom, publicity, point of sales, and personal selling)

  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM):   Pre and post-sales relationship management. What is the right level of customer care?

Marketing Management Courses: Marketing Course | Marketing Workshop in Las Vegas USA Key Concepts & Best Practices

  • Top Sales Management Questions. Sales Challenges. The 10-80-10 Rule of Sales Management. Sales Mix 4Ps (Product, Price, Place and Promotion). Customer Research. Customer Relationship Management.  Branding. Competition. PEST Analysis. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) Analysis. Competitive Advantage. Competitive Forces and Value Chain. Product Lifecycle (PLC). Sales Channels. Sales Best practices.

Marketing Management Courses: Marketing Course | Marketing Workshop in Las Vegas USA Training Course Customization Subjects (Optional)

  • Sales Strategy: Focusing on development, implementation, and control of integrated sales strategy needed to win and retain key strategic customers

  • Customer Intelligence: Understanding customers to create value. Understanding the psychological aspects of buyer's behavior. How do clients make buying decisions and interpret advertising and sales messages

  • Competitive Intelligence: Understanding sales competitive SWOTs

  • Sales Communications Mix: understanding the elements of sales communication program including advertising, personal selling, media relations, sales promotion and direct sales. Understanding the decision-making process when developing promotional campaigns to support a firm's brand or product/service strategy

Marketing Management Courses: Marketing Course | Marketing Workshop in Las Vegas USA Courseware Content (Customized)

The management training courseware includes the following:

  1. Participant's coursework and assessment project guide

  2. Subject matter handbook and lecture notes

  3. Executive summary of the subject matter:

    • Summary of essential concepts and sales management best practices

    • Examples and case studies

  4. Sales management toolkit (management frameworks, decision models, checklists, etc.)

  5. Experiential work-based assessment project

  6. Online resources for the completion of the experiential assessment project

 Courses By Industry - Optional Customization (For Group Training):

The management training and case studies can be customized to each industry, including: government and public sector management, banking, insurance and financial services management, investment and asset management, energy, utilities, oil and gas management, trade and retail management, education management, pharmaceutical, healthcare, hospital management, construction management, real estate management, agriculture and fishery management, food and restaurant management, telecommunication and information technology management, transportation, freight and logistics management, aerospace, automotive, airlines management, hospitality management, tourism, travel and leisure management, media management, and manufacturing management.

Marketing Management Courses: Marketing Course | Marketing Workshop in Las Vegas USA Performance Evaluation (Optional)

  • Performance can be evaluated on the basis of individual or team project deliverables

  • There are no Q&A exams or tests. Candidates can choose to complete customized experiential work-based projects such as developing a relevant analysis document, management strategy, action plan or a senior management presentation

  • The course advisor will review the deliverables and provide improvement feedback

  • The evaluation is a form of management consulting and experiential coaching for performance improvement

Marketing Management Courses: Marketing Course | Marketing Workshop in Las Vegas USA Training Course Registration

Sales Management Course