Professional Management Training
Courses. Classes. Workshops.

Finance Management Course | Finance Course For Managers | Las Vegas, USA Financial Analysis and Modeling Course
   Decision-making, Forecasting and Valuation Best Practices

Training Methods: Action Learning Course and Workshop
Course Venue: USA West (Jan to Dec): Las Vegas. Los Angeles. San Diego. San Francisco. Seattle.
USA East (Jan to Dec): Chicago. Dallas. Houston. New York (NYC). Washington, DC. Miami.
Canada (May to Nov): Vancouver. Toronto. Montreal
Europe (May to Nov): Amsterdam. Barcelona. Dublin. Frankfurt. Geneva. London. Madrid. Milan. Paris. Rome. Vienna. Warsaw. Zurich.
Ask for on-demand and unlisted training venues.
Course Duration: 3 days (2-day seminar + 1-day project)
Course Times: 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Course Dates: Management Training Courses Calendar
Ask for on-demand and unlisted training dates..
Course Fees:   $9,997
Group Discounts:  10% for 2 delegates. 15% for 3 or more delegates. Valid only for Las Vegas venue.
Course Delivery: This course is delivered in-person (in classroom) at the institute's venue. If you have a special customization request such as topics, hours, duration, location, or delivery methods, including blended-learning (hybrid in-person and online learning), or corporate groups vs. one-to-one executive coaching, please indicate that in the registration form.
Course Advantage: Client Testimonials. Training Excellence. CEO Club. Thought Leadership.
Course Registration: Apply

Finance Management Course | Finance Course For Managers | Las Vegas, USA Course Audience 

  • CFO's team, including corporate finance managers, investment managers, planning managers, valuation managers,   financial accounting managers, financial analysts and management consultants

Finance Management Course | Finance Course For Managers | Las Vegas, USA   Training Prerequisites

  • Knowledge of basic accounting and finance terminology

  • Knowledge of Microsoft Excel spreadsheet program

  • Note: This training course is designed for government and corporate professionals. We do not accept students seeking initial employment, postsecondary education or initial licensing programs

Finance Management Course | Finance Course For Managers | Las Vegas, USA Course Objectives 

  • Provide an understanding of corporate finance and investment analysis frameworks

  • Explore best practices, tools and models to implement effective financial decision-making, valuation and forecasting systems

Finance Management Course | Finance Course For Managers | Las Vegas, USA Training Focus

  • The course focuses on finance and investment management decision-making. It does not cover in-depth mathematical calculations, statistical analysis, advance spreadsheet techniques or book-keeping processes that can be automated by computer software

Management Accounting Course - Managerial Accounting Course in Las Vegas, USA Training Model

  • Experiential action learning

  • 25%-50% seminar and 50-75% experiential discussion and project work

  • The development and evaluation of management skills are based on KASAC training model

Management Accounting Course - Managerial Accounting Course in Las Vegas, USA Key Course Modules

  • Corporate Financial Performance Analysis - A Quick Refresher

    • Financial Statements and Financial Ratio Analysis

    • Present of Future Value of Investments

  • Financial Models, Design, Functions and Applications

  • Modeling Processes, Best Practices and Pitfalls

  • Hypothesis Testing and Goodness of Fit

  • Linear Models and Optimization: Discrete Time, Variable vs. Constant Growth

  • Probabilistic Models: Regression Models, Probability Trees, Monte Carlo Simulations, Markov Chain Models)

  • Distributions: The Empirical Rule. Discrete, Continuous, Normal, Binomial, and Bernoulli Distributions.

  • Regression Model: Applications, Regression Coefficients, R-squared and Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE), Fitting Curves to Data, Multiple Regression and Logistic Regression

Analysis Best Practices

  • Decision-making Applications

  • Forecasting Applications

  • Valuation Applications

  • Modeling Internal and External Investment Projects:

    • Income Forecasting, Time Horizon, Risks, Qualitative and Quantitative Variables, External and External Variables and Uncertainty

    • Optimizing Under High Uncertainty, Probability Distributions, Uncertainty and Risk, Sensitivity Analysis and Efficient Frontier

    • Random Variables, Risk Reduction, and Calculating and Interpreting Correlation Values

Finance Management Course | Finance Course For Managers | Las Vegas, USA Training Course Customization Subjects (Optional)

  • CFO's executive role, top questions and challenges

  • Basic concepts in corporate finance, including time value of money, financial statements quick overview, financial performance analysis (ratio analysis), and assets pricing (security valuation).

Finance Management Course | Finance Course For Managers | Las Vegas, USA Courseware Content (Customized)

The management courseware includes the following:

  1. Participant's coursework and assessment project guide

  2. Subject matter handbook and lecture notes

  3. Executive summary of the subject matter:

    • Summary of essential concepts and finance management best practices

    • Examples and case studies

  4. Finance management toolkit (management frameworks, decision models, checklists, etc.)

  5. Experiential work-based assessment project

  6. Online resources for the completion of the experiential assessment project

Finance Management Course | Finance Course For Managers | Las Vegas, USA Performance Evaluation (Optional)

  • Performance can be evaluated on the basis of individual or team project deliverables

  • There are no Q&A exams or tests. Candidates can choose to complete customized experiential work-based projects such as developing a relevant analysis document, management strategy, action plan or a senior management presentation

  • The course advisor will review the deliverables and provide improvement feedback

  • The evaluation is a form of management consulting and experiential coaching for performance improvement

Finance Management Course | Finance Course For Managers | Las Vegas, USA Training Course Registration

Financial Analysis and Modeling Course

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Executive Education: CEO Management Training Seminars, Courses, Classes, Workshops in USA: Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Chicago, New York, DC, Miami
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