Professional Management Training
Courses. Classes. Workshops.

Management Training Courses - Managerial Economics Course in Las Vegas, USA Managerial Economics Course (Top Economics Course!)
 Economic Analysis for Strategy Formulation

Training Methods: Action Learning Course and Workshop
Course Venue: USA West (Jan to Dec): Las Vegas. Los Angeles. San Diego. San Francisco. Seattle.
USA East (Jan to Dec): Chicago. Dallas. Houston. New York (NYC). Washington, DC. Miami.
Canada (May to Nov): Vancouver. Toronto. Montreal
Europe (May to Nov): Amsterdam. Barcelona. Dublin. Frankfurt. Geneva. London. Madrid. Milan. Paris. Rome. Vienna. Warsaw. Zurich.
Ask for on-demand and unlisted training venues.
Course Duration: 5 days (2-day seminar + 3-day project)
Course Times: 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Course Dates: Management Training Courses Calendar
Ask for on-demand and unlisted training dates..
Course Fees:   $9,997
Group Discounts:   10% for 2 delegates. 15% for 3 or more delegates. Government and non-profit delegates receive up to 20% discount for 4 or more delegates. Valid only for Las Vegas venue.
Course Delivery: This course is delivered in-person (in classroom) at the institute's venue. If you have a special customization request such as topics, hours, duration, location, or delivery methods, including blended-learning (hybrid in-person and online learning), or corporate groups vs. one-to-one executive coaching, please indicate that in the registration form.
Course Advantage: Client Testimonials. Training Excellence. CEO Club
Course Registration: Apply

Management Training Courses - Managerial Economics Course in Las Vegas, USA Course Audience 

  • CEO's Team: General managers, business unit managers, finance managers, operations managers, marketing managers, and sales managers, entrepreneurs and business consultants.

  • Note: This training course is designed for government and corporate professionals. We do not accept students seeking initial employment, postsecondary education or initial licensing programs

Management Training Courses - Managerial Economics Course in Las Vegas, USA Course Objectives

  • Provide an understanding of the economic environment and its impact on business strategy formulation

  • Offer experiential analysis of the challenges of CEOs and General Managers in adapting to the changing economic environment

  • Cover ideas and tools to understand the local and global economic forces, including governmental regulations, international relations, global consumers, global production and international business

  • Discuss the impact of economic policies on managerial decision-making, by providing an understanding of fiscal policy, and local and global economic issues affecting business

  • The course emphasizes strategic managerial decision-making in changing macroeconomic and monetary policy environments. It does not focus on statistical analysis, mathematical modeling or predictive analysis

Management Training Courses - Managerial Economics Course in Las Vegas, USA Training Focus

  • Develop the core managerial economics skills and competencies. The core competencies include economics knowledge, planning, control, problem-solving and communication.

Management Accounting Course - Managerial Accounting Course in Las Vegas, USA Training Model

  • Experiential action learning

  • 25%-50% seminar and 50-75% experiential discussion and project work

  • The development and evaluation of management skills are based on KASAC training model

Management Training Courses - Managerial Economics Course in Las Vegas, USA Key Course Modules

  • Top CEO Economic Questions

  • Quick Overview of Economics

    • Production Factors

    • Market Operations

    • Types of Economic Systems

    • Top 12 Economic Principles for Decision-making

    • Types of Economic Systems

    • Economic Analysis and Decision Errors

  • Microeconomics for Decision-making

    • Supply, Demand, and Price Elasticity

    • Market and Consumer Behavior

    • Information Economics

    • Production Economics

  • Macroeconomics for Decision-making

    • Understanding The Business Cycles of Growth, Inflation, Stagflation, Recession, and Deflation

    • Fiscal Policy

    • Monetary Policy

    • Markets, Investors and Business Behavior

    • Macroeconomic Policy Impact on Investment and Business Operations

    • Key Economic Metrics (KPI) for Strategic Decision-making

Management Training Courses - Managerial Economics Course in Las Vegas, USA Key Economic Concepts & Best Practices for Managerial Decision-making and Strategic Planning.

  • Macroeconomic. Microeconomics. Scarcity, Choice, Specialization, Consumer Preference and Substitution. Opportunity Cost. Marginal Principle. Law of Diminishing Returns. Spillover Principle. Reality Principle. Learning Curve. Economy of Scale. Supply, Demand, and Price Elasticity. Linear vs. Non-linear Relationships. Positive and Negative Correlation. Correlation vs. Causation, Behavioral Economics, Economic Law of Fairness. The 80/20 Pareto Principle. The Bell Curve. Standard Deviation. Sigma. The Law of Economic Atrophy. The Law of Economic Entropy. Government Policies and Regulations. Economic Risks and Strategies.  Global Economy. Offshoring. Pareto 80/20 Law. National Differences. Oligopoly. Monopoly. Competition. Economic Decision Errors. Managerial Economics Best Practices.

Management Training Courses - Managerial Economics Course in Las Vegas, USA Training Course Customization Subjects (Optional)

  • Business Economics: Introduction to economic analysis, with an emphasis on firms, markets and operating environment. Pricing and output decisions. Cost and profit determination in competitive and monopolistic markets. Macroeconomic factors and policies affecting business activity in a free and open economy

  • Microeconomics: Introduction to the economic behavior of individuals and firms with emphasis on output and price determination in the various market structures. Study of the allocation of scarce resources among competing end uses. Analysis also includes concepts of expected utility and uncertainty, and welfare economics

  • Macroeconomics: The economic activities of the nation, their interrelationships and how they impact the firms. This module also covers the measurements of economic activity, determination of aggregate income, money, banking and prices, exchange rates, the balance of payments and government macroeconomic policy, national output, unemployment, inflation and interest rates. It also analyzes the outcome of alternative government policies related to economic problems

  • Innovation Economy: Policies and programs to promote innovation and global competitiveness. The development of the global economy and the driving forces and consequences of growing interdependency among nations

  • Special Issues: Understanding the changing patterns of trade and migration of capital and labor. Analysis of cyclical and secular trends in output, employment and investment

Management Training Courses - Managerial Economics Course in Las Vegas, USA Courseware Content (Customized)

The management training courseware includes the following:

  1. Participant's coursework and assessment project guide

  2. Subject matter handbook and lecture notes

  3. Executive summary of the subject matter:

    • Summary of essential concepts and management best practices

    • Examples and case studies

  4. Managerial economics toolkit (management frameworks, decision models, checklists, etc.)

  5. Experiential work-based assessment project (optional)

  6. Online resources for the completion of the experiential assessment project

 Courses By Industry - Optional Customization (For Group Training):

The management training and case studies can be customized to each industry, including: government and public sector management, banking, insurance and financial services management, investment and asset management, energy, utilities, oil and gas management, trade and retail management, education management, pharmaceutical, healthcare, hospital management, construction management, real estate management, agriculture and fishery management, food and restaurant management, telecommunication and information technology management, transportation, freight and logistics management, aerospace, automotive, airlines management, hospitality management, tourism, travel and leisure management, media management, and manufacturing management.

Management Training Courses - Managerial Economics Course in Las Vegas, USA Performance Evaluation (Optional)

  • Performance can be evaluated on the basis of individual or team project deliverables

  • There are no Q&A exams or tests. Candidates can choose to complete customized experiential work-based projects such as developing a relevant analysis document, management strategy, action plan or a senior management presentation

  • The course advisor will review the deliverables and provide improvement feedback

  • The evaluation is a form of management consulting and experiential coaching for performance improvement

Management Training Courses - Managerial Economics Course in Las Vegas, USA Training Course Registration

Managerial Economics Training Course