BEV Stock Investment Portfolio Model
Optimization of Risk/Growth Model


BEV portfolios outperformed most money management firms and major indices over the past 10 years. In 2015, the world's largest hedge funds had negative returns ranging from -0.5% to-20%, while BEV portfolios returned+17.4%.

BEV Stocks Performance

  • BEV Stock Portfolio 1.0 (Published July 9, 2015)
  • BEV Stock Portfolio 2.0 - A second generation BEV Portfolio (unpublished).  Inception date Oct 14, 2014.
    As of Feb 5, 2016 BEV 2.0 retuned+17.49% compared to the following market benchmarks:
    • Direxion iBillionaire (IBLN) -3.09%
      An ETF replicating top billionaire investors, including Warren Buffett, Carl Icahn, George Soros, Bill Ackman, Ray Dalio, John Paulson, David Tepper, Leo Cooperman, Julian Robertson, Daniel Loeb, Steve Mandel, Nelson Peltz, Larry Robbins, David Einhorn, Chase Coleman, and Richard Chilton
    • Global X Guru ETF (GURU) -17.32%.
      An ETF that mimic concentrated equity positions taken by large hedge funds, as reported in public filings
    • S&P 500 (SPX)0.39%
    • SPDR S&P Dividend (SDY) -1.05%
    • iShares Russell 2000 (IWM) -7.11%
    • US small Cap (SCHA)-6.2%
    • Vanguard Total Stock Market (VTI)-1.18%
    • Vanguard Total World Stock (VT) -8.11%
    • Vanguard Emerging Markets (VWO)- 27.22%
    • Vanguard Total Bond Market (BND)-1.46%
    • Schwab US Aggregate Bond (HCSZ)-0.57%
    • US Commodity Index (USCI)- 28.19%
    • SPDR Gold Shares (GLD)-5.29%

BEV is an acronym for business and economic valuation model. It is a proprietary quantitative and qualitative equity investment system based on 20 years of research and development.

Buy, hold and sell decisions are based on a formula that scores the stock valuation in relationship to the company's business fundamentals,  macroeconomics, and industry conditions.

The system employs, generally, a formula for stock picking, buy-and-hold strategy with minimal re-balancing activity. Stocks are replaced based on change of fundamentals in relationship to the stock price and economic environment. Although the research (BEV portfolio 1.0) tracks the performance of a single portfolio with 1, 3, 5, and 10 years holding periods, the BEV's average holding period is 2 to 5 years.

BEV invests in small, mid and large cap stocks listed on major stock exchanges (US and International). The system is designed to minimize speculative and high-risk trading activity. BEV does not employ options, futures, shorting, hedging, or trading. A professional hedge fund manager can further employ such tools to further optimize the portfolio returns.

To learn more about the research behind the BEV model, you can visit:


Notes: Role, Purpose and Conflict of Interest

The institute is a think tank and education organization. Our opinion is incidental to our profession. We are not an investment advisory or brokerage firm. We are not seeking outside investments. We do not manage external assets. We do not function as a rating agency.  We do not accept compensation from companies for review or rating purposes. Any recommendation for or against any asset, trading strategy, buy or sell action is done for an educational purpose only. The expressed opinions should not be considered as an endorsement for or against any asset, company or investment firm. Markets are hyper-dynamic, we cannot and do not time the stock market. Our forecasts continuously change with changing data; they are used as an input to complex risk management and valuation decision models. Despite past success in economic forecasting and research portfolio designs, we do not provide any guarantee for future forecasts or performance.
