Management Training Courses: FAQ
Q: How Does Your Management Training Compare to MBA Programs?
A: The Institute does not offer MBA degrees. Although the body-of-knowledge of our management education program might be shared with some other academic programs, all the Institute's courses and projects have a customized and experiential-learning orientation, rather than generic and theoretical-learning orientation. The Institute management education programs vary greatly in learning content, delivery and evaluation methods. There are several leading Institutes offering management course that are backed by well-respected resources, however, the our Executive Education programs differs from traditional academic MBA programs in the following aspects:
- Please note that the Institute is a research and professional training Institute not an academic university. Our management training programs are designed for executives and their corporate needs, they are not theoretical academic programs for entry-level high school students. We do not accept students seeking we does not accept students seeking initial employment, postsecondary education, or initial vocational licensing.
- The Institute uses proprietary "executive-driven" management education model as opposed to traditional "teacher-driven" education model.
- The Institute's researchers have collected more practical ideas from the world's best management minds than any other Institute. Our management education content is success-oriented. The Institute researchers study the works of the most successful companies, managers and influential management thinkers to identify their best practices, critical success factors and learned lessons. Researched CEOs include names such as Steve Jobs, Jack Welch, Warren Buffet, and Bill Gates. The courses are supported by experiential case studies from leading companies such as AT&T, IBM, McDonald's, Microsoft, Sony, Exxon Mobil, Boeing and Toyota. The researchers also conduct a Critical analysis of the applications and limitations of popular management practices, models and frameworks, including the works of the world s leading management gurus, such as Adams, Dell, Drucker, Gates, Hamel, Kanter, Maslow, McKenna, Moore, Ohmae, Peters, Nonaka, Negroponte, Shapiro, and Welch. The researchers then incorporate their findings into the management education program to provide students with the latest and most advanced thinking.
- Our education emphasizes critical thinking, problem solving and innovation far more than memorization.
- Learning assessments are project-based vs. quiz-based
- There is a common body of knowledge but there is no fixed body of knowledge" this is because of the continuously changing business environment (technologies, markets and organizations). Our courses and projects address up to date industry challenges and opportunities.
- The Institute advisor will save participant s time and efforts by focusing on best practices and providing sample deliverables, checklists, decision models, templates and resources.
For additional information on how the Institute differs from other business schools, please visitthe Management Advantage
For more information, please contact us
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