Management Training Courses: FAQ

Do you have an international academic accreditation?

  • The Institute is licensed by the State of Nevada in USA. The Institute's education and training services is fully recognized by other states.
  • Having a state license in US is mandatory, accreditation by an accrediting association is voluntary.
  • Please note that the Institute is a research and professional training Institute not an academic university. Our management training programs are designed for executives and their corporate needs, they are not theoretical academic programs for entry-level high school students. We do not accept students seeking we does not accept students seeking initial employment, postsecondary  education, or initial vocational licensing.
  • The Institute do not accept or offer college credits from other universities or Institutes. I
  • Although our management training program body of knowledge might be shared with some other academic programs, all of our courses and projects have customized and experiential-learning orientation rather than theoretical one.
  • The Institute education and training services are recognized by major governments and corporations.  To learn more, please visit recognition and clients

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