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- U1- Introduction to business plan
- L1- What's a business plan? The contents of the business plan.
- L2- The products -services analysis of an entrepreneurial initiative
- U2- Starting enterprise staff and strategic analysis
- L1- Analysis of the starting enterprise staff
- L2- Strategic analysis (purpose and mission, enterprise objectives, identification of competitor's strategy)
- U3- Strategic analysis: internal analysis and strategy classification
- L1- Internal analysis (strong and weak points). The value chain. Internal strategic analysis upon start up.
- L2- Strategy classification: strategy of cost leadership. Differentiation strategy. Emphasizing strategy.
- U4- Marketing plan: Market and area analysis
- L1-Aims of the marketing plan and its process. Market analysis (Methods of research, classification and analysis of market information)
- L2- Area analysis (companies, business management, strong and weak points, development trends). Localizing business initiatives.
- L3- Marketing strategy. Marketing mix. The product and the politics of pricing
- L4- Promotional activity, commercialization and distribution
- L5- Valuation of the expected demand: Assessment of the attainable share of the market
- L6- Sale plan: survey technique. Analysis level. Subject matters
- L7- Business agreement. The sale plan for product/service
- L8- The marketing cost plan. The marketing budget. Management costs. Investments
- U5- Business case : Products, enterprise staff, strategic analysis and business strategy
- L1- Executive summary (market dimension, attainable market share, critical arguments competences). Company summary (business idea key elements). Management summary (organizational structure, Description of management team)
- L2- Objectives and mission. Company location and facilities. Market analysis summary
- L3- Marketing strategy. Pricing strategy. Promotion strategy
- L4- Advertising strategy. Sales strategy. Sales forecast
- U6- Case study
- L1- Contents. Executive summary( objectives, mission, keys to success). Company summary (company ownership, company history, company locations and facilities)
- L2- Market analysis, strategy and implementation summary, management summary
- U7- Group work: Business plan
- L1- Contents Preliminary details. Executive summary
- L2- Executive summary, Company summary
- U8- The technical production plan
- L1- Connection between the marketing plan and the technical production plan. Aims of the technical production plan and its formulation process. The enterprise production factors.
- L2- The production process. The Variables influencing the production process. Technology, investments, the settling plan, the material and immaterial immobilization
- L3- The supply. Production cycle. Cost analysis. The production process design. Formulation of the production plan.
- L4- Management and human resources
- L5- The other plans of operation: Structure plan. Staff plan. Investment plan
- L6- Marketing plan: A recapitulation on business case. Executive summary. Company summary.
- U9- Business case: The technical production plan
- L1- Marketing analysis summary. Strategy and implementation summary. Sales strategy.
- L2- Management summary. Management team. Personnel plan.
- U10- Group work: Business plan. The operational choices.
- L1-Products/services summary. Market analysis summary.
- L2- Market analysis summary. Strategy and implementation summary.
- U11- Group work: The organization and production plan
- L1- Strategy and implementation summary. Management strategy.
- L2- Risk analysis operational choices.
- U12- Financial structure
- L1- Financial structure analysis: legal aspect, financial requirement, financial sources
- L2- Economic-financial forecasts: Basic assumption of the economic-financial forecasts: valuation of the expected demand, plan and volume of the investments, volume of commercial costs, credits and debts
- U13- Economic Financial plan
- L1- Aims of the economic-financial Plan - Logical sequence for the project of the economic-financial Plan - Connections between the plans of operation and the economic-financial Plan: Marketing Plan, Production Plan.
- L2- Connections between the plans of operation and the economic-financial Plan: Plan of the Structure Costs, Staff Plan, Investment Plan.
- L3- Perspective Balance: expected Economic Account and Statement of assets and liabilities
- L4- Cash flow Plan
- L5- Financial Plan: assessment of the general financial requirements, the statement of sources and of the financial investments.
- L6- Checking of the financial feasibility
- L7 Financial plan. General assumptions. Basic financial indicators.
- L8- Cash flow projection. Assets and liabilities. Dividends.
- U14- Economic-financial feasibility
- L1- Valuation pattern of the investment feasibility ( Instruments of time limited valuation, instruments of lifelong valuation)
- L2- Statement of assets and liabilities, Economic Account, Financial Report
- L3- Analysis of the break-even point. Break-even point and enterprise. Graphics representation
- L4- Analysis of the balance sheet ratio. Debt indicators. Profitability indicators.
- L5- Instruments of lifetime valuation. Statement of cash flows. Concept of present value.
- L6- The method of the present discounted value (PDV). Internal rate of return (IRR). Pay-back period
- L7- Break even analysis. Expected profits and loss. Statement of assets and liabilities document.
- L8- Business ratios. ROE. Working capital.
- U15-Group work: Business plan
- L1- Fixed capital costs. Capital investment. Easy costs.
- L2- Assets. Liabilities and net assets. Net assets.
- L3- Projected profit and loss. Gross profit. Net profit before tax.
- L4- Expected cash flow plan. Cash inflows. Available cash balance. (part 1)
- L5- Expected cash flow plan. Cash inflows. Available cash balance. (part 2)
- L6- Cash outflows. Other Cash outflows.
- U16-Final Balance
- L1- The summing up and the final balance of the activities carried out.