Capacity Building and Best Practices Research Projects

Project # 1 : MedNetU Open Sky University Consortium

MED NET'U - Mediterranean Network for Unified Distance Learning

European Commission Project code:  503


Duration:  36 months

Total Budget:  5.137.515 €

Sector:  Education


MED NET'U aims at creating of a Euro-Mediterranean human and technological network for open distance learning, at university and Continuous Vocational Training level through the harmonization of educational activities, the application of technological innovation to university teaching and the production of innovation in teaching-learning processes.
The establishment of this network intends to:
(i) promote a long-lasting dialogue within the Euro-Mediterranean region through a better understanding and sharing of expertise and best practices in the field of Information Society and its interaction with higher education and continuous vocational training;
(ii) contribute to the social and economic development of the countries involved thanks to the creation of a common multi-lingual distance learning platform based on the joint introduction and use of high-standard ICT tools;
(iii) develop a kit of training tailored on the partners' specific needs - which will include both in class room lessons, training on the job and video lessons - to allow the academic and technical staff of the consortium to improve their skills on ICT;
(iv) build an integrated Euro-Mediterranean area in the field on information Society by providing a unified reference framework in terms of common learning platform, standards, methodology, protocol and technological solution.

Logical Framework Overall Goals:  

Sharing technological and didactic know-how and expertise in ODL at university and Continuous Vocational Training level between Euro-Mediterranean countries.
ODL Network (as a consortium) between 26 Euro-Mediterranean partners (Universities, Continuous Vocational Training Institutes, institutional bodies and industrial firms). The Network will provide and co-produce university courses and training courses using Distance Learning technologies (TV via sat, Internet and Internet via sat).

Logical Framework Project Purpose:  

* Establishment of the Network.
* Broadcasting on two TV satellite channels of the available didactic offer.
* Adapting modules in multi-lingual version and broadcasting on the MED NET'U television space.
* Co-producing modules in multi-lingual and broadcasting on the MED NET'U television space.
* Adaptation of the modules in a digital platform for the web delivery on the Internet by satellite.


* Euro-Mediterranean Network functioning.
* 15 Technological Poles set up, upgraded and working
Technical staff trained and operating.
* Course leaders trained.
* 9 Production centers set up and operating.
* 20 user sites set up and operating.
* 2 services centers set up and operating.
* 285 courses (16.000h) broadcasted on 2TVSAT channels.
* 20 didactic modules adapted in multi-lingual version, adapted on a digital platform and broadcast on the MED NET'U sat television space (5h per day).
* 50 new modules co-produced in multi-lingual version, adapted on a digital platform and broadcasted on the MED NET'U sat television space (5h per day).
* In total 70 new modules available TV via sat and Internet via sat.

For video courses, please check Eutelsat TV channels on RAI Nettuno SAT1 & RAI Nettuno SAT2  HotBird at 13 degree East. Internet Via Satellite on W6 at 21.5 East

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