Call for Papers
In today’s digital revolution, a variety of technical, economic, and market-driven forces have converged to present a fundamental challenge for public policy and business leaders.
The emergence of global markets, worldwide alliances, outsourcing and international competition are changing the face of business. The birth of the internet and global small business enterprise, the rapid change of new technological development, the automation of the global supply chain, the dramatic reduction of lead times for new product development, tele-working, and decentralization of business organizations, plus the continuous fragmentation and consolidation of markets, have all placed greater pressure on policy makers and CEOs to expand their firms’ knowledge and gain a sustainable competitive advantage. Therefore, what is needed is a new management thinking and an adaptive business model; a new set of concepts, principles and strategies that will help guide policy makers and business managers on how to organize and operate their businesses in the new economy. The ways in which senior executives allocate, manage and position the new digital assets and knowledge resources will have a strong bearing on the firm’s ability to compete successfully in today’s global digital economy.
The institute invites digital economy experts, consultants and professors to participate in a worldwide collaborative research project on the digital economy. The results of this project will be published in a book containing a selection of best practices papers that discuss the issues, implications and results of key national and corporate studies dealing with the management of business in the new digital economy.
The study sections range from issues related to information and communication technology to organizational frameworks for enterprise and economic development.
Part I - will look at emerging national opportunities and challenges associated with the emerging digital economy and lists frameworks and strategies to capitalize on opportunities and mitigate risks
Part II - is focused on the business manager and draws a road map for building and sustaining the new enterprise
Part III - will cover digital economy technical concepts for managers and provides a framework for technology implementation and development.
The material shall represent the developed thinking of a number of research and consulting projects for governments and global Fortune 1000 companies with a focus on the complex interplay between technical knowledge and traditional management functions such as strategy, marketing, human resources, operations, MIS, finance, accounting and business law. All submitted papers shall provide ideas, frameworks, checklists, tools, insights, and caveats learned during the authors' seminal work, research and consulting projects.
Proposed Content
A Brief History of the Internet and the Digital Economy
Benefits of the Internet
Global Market Research Data (Quantifying and Qualifying The Trends)
Digital Economy Driving Forces
Emerging Opportunities and Threats
What Can the Digital Economy Do for Your Business?
What Can the Digital Economy Do for Your Government?
Paradigm Shift from Old Economy to Digital Economy
Paradigm Shift from Old Business to E-Business
Losers and Winners: Old Jobs vs. New Jobs
Information Superhighways: The New Digital economy Infrastructure
The New Professional: Education and the Know-How
Socioeconomic and Political Impact of the Emerging Global Digital Economy and Information Society
The Internet’s Information and Communication Infrastructure
Fundamentals of the New Business Model
Recommendations: - Strategies to Meet the New Challenges.
National Competitive Strategies. - How to Maximize the Benefits and Minimize the Risks for National Economies?
Who Regulates Internet Commerce and the Digital Economy?
Global Legal and Tax Issues - Presents Collection of a Proposed Framework for Action.
Threats to Global Digital Economy.
Case Studies
Challenges of a Developing Countries
Examples and Lessons learned from Developed Countries
New Emerging Players – India, China, Dubai, Eastern Europe
Multi-national Information Society Initiatives
Appendix A – Listing of Global Digital Economy Initiatives
Appendix B – Listing of Global IT Vendors and Players
Appendix C – Glossary
Appendix D – References and additional readings
The material in this book is also intended for use as a primary or complementary text for advanced undergraduate or graduate courses that focus primarily on the emerging global digital economy and e-business management
The study will be published in a book
Each chapter shall contain a collection of leading experts papers/articles to address one or more topics
The book will be promoted and distributed to governments officials, major public and private enterprise and education Institutes
All submissions are must be royalty free and copyrights by the institute. The institute reserve the right to publish the papers in any form and under open content license.
Author(s), Institute and company names will be clearly identified at the beginning of each chapter and on each paper
For more information, please visit author submission guidelines
Med Jones