International Institute of Management
Best Practices Papers

The goal of the think tank research is to provide innovative solutions to complex socioeconomic problems.  The research results are published in the form of management best practices and policy white papers. Unlike academic research papers, the Institute's white papers are succinct work documents designed for communication and problem-solving by the public and private sectors.

White papers provide businesses and government leaders with:

  1. A statement of the problem or opportunity
  2. Analysis of root causes and driving forces
  3. Proposed solution and implementation best practices. 

The white papers are followed with pilot projects to utilize and disseminate the research results. The dissemination of the results can be a combination of publications, training workshops, consulting and coaching services. Depending on the funding of each project, the dissemination and the exploitation of results can be in the form of commercial, non-profit or free open courseware.

Thought Leadership

Selected Think Tank Papers and Articles

Government Papers and Articles

Investment Papers and Articles

Business Papers and Articles


If you need research support or have a collaboration opportunity, please contact us